Iview upload file problem

there was a problem uploading the file. Setting: with-credentials= "true" is invalid. Check the data that header did not bring into cookie in the submitted url, which caused the submission to report an error

<style lang="less">
    @import "../../../styles/common.less";
    @import "../../css/upload.less";
    @import "../../css/work-flow.less";

            <a href="static/template.csv" target=_blank>
            <p slot="title">
                <Icon type="ios-download-outline"></Icon>

</a> <Upload type="drag" :action="url" :headers="{"Content-Type": "multipart/form-data"}" :with-credentials="true" :format="["csv"]" :data="data" :on-format-error="handleFormatError" :before-upload="handleBeforeUpload" :on-progress="handleProgress" :on-success="handleSuccess" :on-error="handleError" > <div style="padding: 60px 0;height: 200px;"> <Icon type="ios-cloud-upload" size="52" style="color: -sharp3399ff"></Icon>

</div> </Upload> </Card> </Row> </template> <script> import msgutil from "@/utils/message" import Api from "@/api" import Axios from "axios" import Cookies from "js-cookie" export default { name: "file-upload", data () { return { uploadList: [], url:"", data:{}, }; }, methods: { getData(){ this.url = Api.uploadRecipeLocation this.data={WEBID:Cookies.get("WEBID")} }, handleFormatError (file) { msgutil.nWarning(this,""," " + file.name + " ") }, handleBeforeUpload (file) { msgutil.nWarning(this,""," " + file.name + " ") }, handleProgress (event, file) { msgutil.nInfo(this,""," " + file.name + " ") // // let fd = new FormData() // fd.append("file", file) // Axios.post(this.url,fd).then((res) => { // console.log(res) // }, (res) => { // console.log(res) // }); // return false; }, handleSuccess (evnet, file) { console.log(file) console.log(event); this.$Notice.success({ title: "", desc: " " + file.name + " " }); }, handleError (event, file) { console.log(file) this.$Notice.error({ title: "", desc: " " + file.name + " " }); }, handleView (name) { }, handleRemove (file) { // upload }, }, mounted () { }, created () { this.getData() } } </script>





1. Is the url you uploaded in .json format?
2. It's not because you didn't bring cookie, but because your options request was redirected. Make sure that the path you uploaded is correct
