After prohibiting the input of special characters and spaces, you cannot use Sogou Input to enter Chinese.

such as the question, go to the code

<input type="text" name="address">
var pattern = new RegExp("[`~!@-sharp$^&*()=|{}":;",\\[\\].<>/?~@-sharp&*|{} ";:" ""]")
$("input").on("keyup",function () {
$("input[name="address"]").on("keyup",function (event) {

used for the above code, you can"t input Chinese with Sogou Input in IE9/10/11

because your regular expression contains ', which happens to be the key to Sogou's Chinese input method typing on the screen, Filter should be fine without this character.

if you insist on wanting to join Filter ', it is recommended that you add another on change event, in which replace drops the symbol, and the change event will trigger execution after the user focus leaves the input box.
