How does echarts achieve such map shadows?

how do I cancel the inner border shadow with my own shadow?


at first, I asked how to achieve shadows, and then I asked how to cancel shadows. I had no idea what you wanted to do.
in that case, I'll have to give you a configuration document to read for yourself:


attach the options reference of my previous implementation of this type of map:

      geo3D: {
        map: 'Sicuan',
        shading: 'lambert',
        realisticMaterial: {
          roughness: 0.2,
          metalness: 0,
        postEffect: {
          enable: true,
          SSAO: {
            enable: true,
            radius: 2,
            intensity: 1,
        groundPlane: {
          show: false,
        light: {
          main: {
            intensity: 1,
            shadow: true,
            shadowQuality: 'medium',
            alpha: 30,
          ambient: {
            intensity: 1,

        viewControl: {
          distance: 135,
          minDistance: 110,
          maxDistance: 180,
          alpha: 50,
          minAlpha: 30,
          beta: 75,

the geo3d, I use wants to achieve the border shadow effect, but I still don't know how to do it.

how to configure the effect on the graph, which is similar to what I want
