During the interview, the interviewer has to add a volatile for the singleton class in the multithreaded environment with handwritten on-demand loading.

went to the interview last week, handwritten singleton class

then I handwritten a more commonly used global setting class:

import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;

public class Setting {

    private static Setting setting;

    private  static Lock lock = new ReentrantLock();

    private Setting(){


    public static Setting get() {
        if(setting != null) {
            return  setting;

        if(setting == null) {
            setting = new Setting();

        return setting;

as a result, the interviewer said that this single case would go wrong when the JVM command was reordered, and that he had to add a volatile, to the setting object at that time, and now he was very confused. My rookie, would you like to analyze it?



instruction reordering is to optimize instructions and improve program efficiency.
for example, instance = new Singleton () can be decomposed into:

1memory = allocate();   // 
2ctorInstance(memory);  //   
3instance = memory;     // instance

if the third line of code does not depend on the second line of code, the JVM will be reordered:

1memory = allocate();   // 
2instance = memory;     // instance
3ctorInstance(memory);  //   

the code after reordering has no effect in the case of single thread, but the execution order of multi-thread is as follows:
thread A:

if(setting == null) {
    //Ainstance = memory;settingB
    setting = new Setting(); 

Thread B:

if(setting != null) {
    // ctorInstance(memory);
    return  setting; 

private static Setting setting; change to private static volatile Setting setting;
volatile is a feature added after jdk1.5, which can prohibit variables from using reordering.
codeword is not easy, it is useful to adopt
