Github commit information is in Chinese, how to search in the win client Filter?

problem description

Local is the Win7 environment, using cmder. Then I made an action submission a few months ago, and now I want to restore the previous operation.

the platform version of the problem and what methods you have tried

it seems that both git log and git reflog can be done, but exactly how to do it is not found out. Local branch dev_chj

git reflog show dev

try to view it, but there is too much content displayed. How to find the information you are looking for through the content of commit Filter?


I suggest you only check the submission records of a certain path, so that you can confirm your modified commit:

as soon as possible.
git log --oneline -- /path/to/dir/or/file

first look at the submission history of a directory or a file, and view the specific file changes according to the commit record:

git diff sha1^ sha1

add ^ to the end of a refs to indicate the previous submission of SHA1 code of the reference, so that you can quickly find the commit you need to roll back
