How to go back to the previous page and navigate to the place you visited last time

I have a product list page in Wechat. Sliding down will ajax to request the data of the next page to be rendered. For example, when I browse to a product on page 5, click in and return, how can I locate the page directly to this product? because these are all ajax requests, I don"t know how to start


Click to get the current offsettop, save it, return to the page and set offsettop to the value you scrolled before

this requirement is an old problem. At present, the best thing I use is this plug-in
you can try.

  1. h5 pull up and refresh to achieve paging. When there are many pages, click on a page of the list to go for details, and then return to the previous page from the details. It may refresh the previous page, the position can not be maintained, and the experience is not good
  2. The
  3. list is linked with a, and the details are returned using window.history.go (- 1). Some browsers do not refresh the previous page (safari,UC in ios, etc.), and some pages refresh the previous page (Wechat in ios, etc.)
  4. says that if you use a single page, you can keep it. But I've used angular1.X to implement a single page before, and it seems to have the same problem (re-executing the list. Js), recently saw a useful vue in github to achieve this effect: from=xitu" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">
  5. it is said that the list uses, details with window.history.go (- 1), h5 practice, not

mainly depends on what technology you use
I use vue single page and use keep-alive
on the list page I can judge that if you return from the details, you don't need to load the first page
