I can't understand the configuration with laravel for the first time.

2git clone https://github.com/github-muzilong/laravel55-layuiadmin.git
5composer update
6php artisan migrate
7php artisan db:seed
8php artisan key:generate


laravel relies on many third-party component packages, just look at the composer.json in the root directory.

composer update is to install or update the latest dependent package.

Brother just follow the order and have recently been working on a project with laravel.
the fifth step is to execute the command. Cmd executes all the remaining commands of ok

this is not the laravel official package.
just do it the way he provides.
step 5 is composer update dependency (you need to have composer installed on your computer, otherwise this command cannot be executed)
the rest are commands provided by laravel


6: database migration. (the premise is to configure the connection to the database, that is, step 4)
7: fill in the test data (that is, fake data, which is provided by layuiadmin , same as configuring the connection to the database)
8:laravel generates app_key (if the applied key is not configured, the session and other data that needs to be encrypted will not be secure)

< hr >

these commands can be executed in windows in cmd . (only if the environment variable of php is configured, composer, has been installed and git. has been installed. This is also a standard for php programmers)
