Could you tell me how to derive the [weighted] calculation formula of [heat gate ranking]? For example, "likes", "downloads", "clicks", "comments"

items need to add a [hot] sort.
make quality content better exposed.
there are several scoring criteria.
[like] > [download] > [comment] > [Click].
but the sorting algorithm is very difficult for me.

for example:
contribution score = likes x30 + download x20 + comment x10 + Click x1
but these rights are made up by your own brain, although they are almost the same. But not very strict.

I have never been exposed to this algorithm. After searching for a long time, no similar content was found.
can you provide scientific ideas / reference materials and books?
Thank you!

< hr > < H2 > [update in 23 minutes] < / H2 >

is he too obsessed with methodology? Feel in the database query, and then based on their own feeling to calculate the weight, it is almost enough.
can be optimized later.


you can take a look at this series of articles and introduce six algorithms. You can adjust

according to your actual situation.

in fact, there is nothing wrong with your own method, but in terms of time dimension, the earlier the article is, the easier it is to be recommended, which is unfair to the new article
