Are there any connections and differences between VuePress, Vue SSR guidelines and NUXT?


VuePress consists of two parts: one is a minimalist static site builder that supports theme development with Vue, and the other is a default theme optimized for writing technical documents. It was originally created to support the documentation requirements of Vue and its subprojects.

every page generated by VuePress comes with a pre-rendered HTML, and therefore has very good loading performance and search engine optimization (SEO). At the same time, once the page is loaded, Vue will take over the static content and convert it into a complete single-page application (SPA), other pages will only be loaded on demand when the user browses it.

how does it work?

in fact, a VuePress website is a single-page application driven by Vue, Vue Router and webpack. If you have used Vue before, when you are developing a custom theme, you will feel a very familiar development experience, and you can even use Vue DevTools to debug your custom theme.

when building, we will create a server-side rendering version of the (SSR) for the application, and then render the corresponding HTML through virtual access to each path. This approach was inspired by Nuxt"s nuxt generate command, as well as other projects, such as Gatsby.

read the VuePress document , Compare ide/ssr.html-sharpSSR-%E5%AE%8C%E5%85%A8%E6%8C%87%E5%8D%97" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> Vue SSR complete Guide with ide" rel= "nofollow noreferrer" > NUXT document , and simply write the document, topics and components in vue press, so there is a problem. Are vuepress, vue"s ssr guide and Nuxt the same, or the same type, and you can choose one of the three that you want to be good to seo? Or does the fork vuepress project quickly build vue sites according to their own needs?

can we understand that the: VUE SSR guide is relatively cumbersome and cumbersome, and NUXT followed by, VUE press can be built quickly?
