Developed a firefox plug-in does not contain a valid install manifest could not install

developed a firefox plug-in does not contain a valid install manifest, that can be debugged without error messages, but cannot be installed.

"manifest_version": 2,
"name": "HackBox",
"version": "1.0",
" author ":" ic3s ",
" description ":" A simple hacktool"s box ",

"icons": {


"browser_action": {


"background": {

"scripts": [

"content_scripts": [

  "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
  "js": [

"permissions": [



looked at the manifest, of several other people"s plug-ins and compared them carefully. No problem was found in the format.
the plug-in does not have a signature, but it is set to not sign in about:config. Prompt during installation

I don"t know what went wrong. I"d like to give you some advice

The possible reason for

is that the project folder is included when the plug-in package is compressed. Make sure the manifest file is in the top-level directory in the package. details
