What if pyspider always hangs up items and disappears on the server?

1, run in the background with nohup pyspider all > pyspider.log 2 > & 1 & occasionally hang up
2, and there is no reason for outputting pyspider.log.
3, what if the previously written project disappears after restarting pyspider.


set up the log and enable debugging.

Usage: pyspider [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  A powerful spider system in python.

  --logging-config TEXT    logging config file for built-in python logging
                           module  [default: pyspider/pyspider/logging.conf]
  --debug                  debug mode

indicates that the user running the command does not have permissions for the current directory. My pose with nohup is as follows:
sudo-u username nohup
