How Springboot configures dubbo monitor

springmvc just add

to the configuration file
<dubbo:monitor protocol="registry"/>

is fine

it is not clear whether to use springboot to start dubbo monitor, or springboot to start dubbo service, and dubbo service to enable monitor?

springboo itself does not have much meaning, just a layer of application encapsulation on the basis of spring, which does not change the previous configuration method.
you can try it by following these steps:

  1. add the xxx-servlet.xml file to the project and put it under the resources/config/ file
  2. complete the configuration of xxx-servlet.xml by referring to springmvc, and add < dubbo:monitor protocol= "registry" / >
  3. to the file.
  4. add @ ImportResource ({"classpath:config/xxx-servlet.xml"}) to the startup class of spingboot to manually introduce the custom configuration
  5. start the program to see the effect

