What is the maximum size of a table in mysql?

I am a rookie. I set up a website because I had to record a table of mysql caused by each visit of user agent,. 100000 rows of data were recorded in a year, which became the size of 50Mb. However, from a sensory point of view, it does not seem to affect the speed.

what is the maximum Mb?? of a table in mysql?


it depends on the engine and file system you choose.

MyISAM after MySQL 5.0 , the upper limit of a single table depends on the file system.
Innodb in the case of shared tablespace storage, the upper limit of a single table (not a single file) is about 64TB, which contains indexes and other related data;
in the case of exclusive tablespace storage, the upper limit of a single table is determined by the file system.

the above relevant information is obtained from Baidu results

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