JQuery code problem

             //attrprop propattr
             $("-sharpbtn1").click(function () {
                 // $("-sharpck").attr("checked","true");
             $("-sharpbtn2").click(function () {

I would like to ask why the false and true here do not need quotation marks, and what is the reason for the usual use of quotation marks?


checked is already a Bool. why do you add quotation marks? don't quotation marks become string?

prop ("checked", "false") will also be treated as a check box, which is certainly not the effect you want, is it?

Isn't it a string to add double quotation marks to

? The picture posted on the first floor has made it very clear that a value of type boolean is required.

it is recommended to do the basics of DOM and JS first.

applies only to attributes of type" checkbox "or" radio "elements

< table > < tbody > < tr > < td > checked < / td > < td > boolean: Returns / Sets the current state of the element when type is checkbox or radio. < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > defaultChecked < / td > < td > boolean: Returns / Sets the default state of a radio button or checkbox as originally specified in HTML that created this object. < / td > < / tr > < tr > < td > indeterminate < / td > < td > boolean: indicates that the checkbox is neither on nor off. Changes the appearance to resemble a third state. Does not affect the value of the checked attribute, and clicking the checkbox will set the value to false. < / td > < / tr > < / tbody > < / table >

suggest buying a book to learn the basics of DOM and js

is no longer a string with quotation marks, but a Boolean type

