Who knows the delivery_tag in rabbitmq?

recently, I found a problem when using php-amqplib.
first of all, my channel uses confirm mode, that is, sender confirmation mode
during use, my consumer"s final response is as follows:
$message- > delivery_info ["channel"]-> basic_ack ($message- > delivery_info [" delivery_tag"]);
all respond with delivery_tag, but the official demo in the producer is as follows. Can"t you get the corresponding delivery_tag?

    function (AMQPMessage $message) {
        echo "Message acked with content " . $message->body . PHP_EOL;
        echo "<br/>";

in addition, it is found that the value of
$message- > delivery_info ["delivery_tag"] among consumers has been self-increasing with the continuous release of producer messages. If the number of websites is super large, it is easy not to exceed the self-increasing value of tag.


the confirm mode corresponding to set_ack_handler is the confirm, between producer and rabbitmq, not producer and consumer


you can search the corresponding documents by $channel- > confirm_select (); and $channel- > wait_for_pending_acks (); , for example, this https://www.zybuluo.com/dume2.
