Wechat's official account contains multiple pictures. How to do the drop-down loading effect?

in sharing some html pages, there are multiple pictures, which causes the page to load very slowly. The effect of loading a picture from top to bottom also makes the customer experience bad. When you see the loading effect of the article in Wechat"s official account, the size of the picture is different, and the space-occupying picture is also corresponding.

how to do this effect?

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the picture is not loaded when it is loaded for the first time. It is a document parsed by js. The size and address of the picture are taken as some parameter of the tag. When the page scrolls and the relative position of the picture appears in the view area, the real picture src is used to replace the src of the bitmap with the real picture.

it's not that hard. From the very beginning, he knows how big the picture is, or what the scale is, through the return of the server.
