How do I get vue-router to pass in multiple parameters in my case?

I have the following configuration. If the page jumps, then path will pass in a true.

    icon: "ios-barcode",
    size: "30",
    color: "-sharpff9900",
    path: "/home/aftersale_physicalserver_workpanel/true",
    name: "" + " (" + used_count + ") ",  // 

my problem is that only one parameter can be passed in here.

how does such a configuration vue-router pass multiple parameters?

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Edit 1

when I use it in the template, it goes like this: router-link Jump:

                  <router-link :to="item.path">
                    <span class="icon">
                      <Icon :type="item.icon" :size="item.size" :color="item.color"></Icon>
                    <div class="icon-title">


ide/essentials/passing-props.html-sharp%E5%AF%B9%E8%B1%A1%E6%A8%A1%E5%BC%8F" rel=" nofollow noreferrer "> routing component passing parameters-> function mode ,

if you want to transfer multiple parameters, it is recommended to use programmatic navigation
for example, I want to jump to the details page and transfer two parameters, no and name

this.$router.push({ path: '/index/detail', query: { no: "10001",name:"xiaoming" } })