How to pass parameters to callback function in Angular

encountered a problem with angular development. The framework tinyUi used by
provides a spinner component that needs to be initialized with a set of parameters. Html may look like this

<cti-spinner ng-repeat="item in list" id="" name="" onChange="options.change">

js looks like this

            $scope.list= [{
                    name: "tom",
                    change:function (event,value){
                         // id
                         // function(id);

I need to pass a parameter id (incrementing) to the callback function change of the spinner component, and $scope.list will change dynamically.

so I use a variable index to save the id value, and use indexPP

every time I push into $scope.list.
            $scope.list= [{
                    name: "tom",
                    change:function (event,value){
            //  $scope.list.push(new_item)
            //  $scope.index PP;

but I quickly realized the problem. Change is always executed with the value after the last PP. I would like to ask you guys, is there any way I can send id to change?

I wonder if index came out of var when indexPP, close to find out?
