How to introduce proj4js? by using highmaps, in vue

use highmaps in vue to draw a Chinese city distribution map (longitude and latitude need to be located), according to the example given on the official website:,


:proj4Highcharts error -sharp22:


but I printed that console.log (proj4) has been successfully introduced, but it has not taken effect in highmaps. Have you ever experienced this problem? How did you solve it?


say that it needs to be introduced before? You put pro4j in front of highcharts

if not, why don't you try introducing this script directly at the top of the page through script?

I logged in to see the answer. The introduction of this js, newspaper pro4j in the same page is not defined.

Boss, please ask about the marked points of the map, how to solve it?
my nuxt has also been introduced into pro4j, and it is reported that pro4j
has not been introduced, and ask the Boss to give me some advice
