Mysql updates the string based on the characters it contains

suppose a field is replaced with"1"at the beginning of"a "and" 2"at the beginning of"1". How to write an update statement is better
I have tried regexp, but then there are a lot of sql statements, and it will be very slow

transportal REGEXP "^(a)";

is there any way to optimize it


if it is only count statistics, you do not need to do update operation.

I feel that your requirements use the calculated value of the case when expression, and then do count statistics, such as:

select trans_type, count(*)
from (
    select case when left(transportal,1) = 'a' then 1 when left(transportal,1) = 'b' then 2 else 0 end as trans_type
    from trade 
) t
group by trans_type

these should be controlled by the program, and SQL should not do such a thing
