The server pushes the message + modifies the data according to the database data

the server automatically pushes messages and modifies tables in Mysql according to the number of check-in records (redis) > specified by a user in the database. Field. Value

windows2012 laravel5.5 php7.1+ environment

ask for a solution

the server automatically pushes messages and modifies tables in Mysql according to the number of check-in records (redis) > specified by a user in the database. Field. Value

  1. bitmap implementation for check-in, and offset 0 for the launch date of the website
  2. specifies that the value is recorded by the database config table
  3. push messages are SMS messages. Does not affect the implementation logic
  4. the fields in the mysql table that record whether to push messages or not should be update
  5. after execution.

idea: use laravel event listening
pseudo code:

if($user->''> ){
event(new  UserDataChangedEvent)


that's about the way of thinking.
