[solved] request Mini Program ui component 2018-12-11 update-ultimate solution

Business background

using mpvue developer Mini Program
wants to make the code run on Mini Program and the web page at once
I don"t know what suitable ui component can be adapted to both ends


  • weui
    this is for web pages. wxss does not support sibling nodes and other things, so you can"t use
  • .
  • weui.wxss
    although this works, many styles have been castrated and there are no documents. It is troublesome to check the source code of the official website while doing it, and to add styles yourself.
  • mint-ui
    this does not fit Mini Program, jscore does not support DOM
  • zan-ui mint-ui
    because it is a custom Mini Program component, it cannot be used in mpvue , and cannot adapt to the web page
  • jq-weui
    is based on weui , so I didn"t dare to try. I don"t think so.


now, is there such a ui component, ah, if you can find it, you can vomit blood quickly.


there is no perfect solution for now. Look forward to mintui of ele.me later on zanui for html compatibility mp-weui based on weui is relatively available at present. But it also uses a lot of Mini Program native components.. For more information: https://github.com/mpvue/awes. mp-weui

2018-12-11 update

  • now there are many general ui frameworks..
  • but there"s a better one. hbuilder just launched uniapp .
  • spans not only Mini Program and web pages, but also Android and Apple
  • provides not only unified ui components, but also unified api

what is liked is not a

by Mini Program.

feel that laziness is too strong.
it is impossible to think about it once, it has to be adjusted anyway. After all, Mini Program is not a browser environment.

in addition, learn about wepy

see the last part of the question

the UI community where I wrote UI,mpvue is so lazy!
give priority to using the h5 native tag to solve the problem. If not, do not use the native Mini Program tag

found a mpvue-zanui,. I don't know whether it is easy to use

which general ui, is listed. Thank you
