An error was reported during the installation and use of composer?

the computer has reinstalled the system (windows10), installed xampp (xampp for php7), and then follow the tutorial on composer"s official website to install composer step by step. After the installation is successful (composer-version can show the version number)
, if you try to perform other instructions such as composer install or composer init, the exception of PHP will be thrown as follows:

  proc_open(NUL): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

No solution has been found at present. Ask God to solve the problem


after nearly 2 months of entanglement, it is finally solved!

this answers my question. I am the win10 system, the phpstudy integrated environment, and I am executing


sc query null


, the state value is stopped, and then Baidu Google can not solve it for a long time, and finally update the WINDOWS system and restart it. It is estimated that the system lacks the necessary updates!

/ / I have the same problem as you. Have you solved it?

did you copy the .env.example in the root directory and rename it to .env?

seems to be caused by the windows system. My solution is to back up the disk and reinstall a system, which hasn't been solved for a long time.
