The maven ssm project runs normally with the jetty plug-in, and war is resource is not available? when it is placed in tomcat.

I put the war file in the clean and install of this project in idea into the webapps directory of the tomcat installation directory, and start tomcat, to look at any web page is The requested resource is not available. Only the home page of tomcat can be seen. I need the project to work properly in tomcat 7.0.56.

jetty is configured as follows:

                <connector implementation="org.mortbay.jetty.nio.SelectChannelConnector">

1: check the tomcat log to see if there is an error in project startup.
2: when accessing, whether the application context is not added. For example, if war is app.war, application context is app, for example, if you visit an index.html page, the access address is ip:8080/app/index.html

Thank you. The problem has been solved. The correct URL is http://localhost:8888/ project name-1.0/test.html. The file name of the
war file is the project name-1.0.war. I forgot to add-1.0 to the URL, so I can't use it.
