May I ask the vscode format code to add a space at the beginning of the comment?

in tslint, comments need to be preceded by a space.

// console.log(quz);

this is more in line with the specification, I would like to ask how to set the corresponding formatting rules (with spaces before comments).
tslint has such a configuration to check. But formatting code cannot fix automatically

"comment-format": [

after searching for a long time, I really couldn"t find it, so I was helpless to ask for help. ( "prettier.eslintIntegration" has been set to true )


Global regular replacement

enable regular search to replace [^ "'] / / [^\ s] with: / / .

there is a problem with the matching upstairs. It should be written


enable regular search and replace \ /\ b with / /

it's troublesome to search and replace in this way. I modified the beautification plug-in to achieve
