Run dev and run build load dependencies are not the same, dva + roadhog

problem description

the specific problem is history, a third-party package. After upgrading the dva version, I found that history.getCurrentLocation is not a function, reported an error and found that there should be no such method after the upgrade of this package version. I tried to downgrade the package to v3.0.0 (manually downgraded) to replace the package content, and after package.json and lock.json, I found that there was no problem after running run build package. However, run dev reported an error when starting roadhog server local build debugging history.getCurrentLocation is not a function, output history found that there is no getCurrentLocation this method is sure that the two commands dev and build loaded dependent package version is not the same, but I searched the entire node_models folder to replace all the history packages with V3.0.0 version or dev error, there is no problem after build. Does any great god know why?


rm -rf node_modules
cnpm i
npm run dev
npm run build