Swoole will miss some asynchronous http requests

Machine configuration 24 cores 48g
php version 7.1
swoole version 2.1

    "worker_num"               => 16,
    "daemonize"                => false,
    "backlog"                  => 128,
    "open_eof_check"           => true,
    "open_eof_split"           => true,
    "package_eof"              => "\r\n",
    "heartbeat_check_interval" => 20,
    "heartbeat_idle_time"      => 60,
    "max_request"              => 100,
    "max_conn"                 => 10000,

if such a configuration runs for a few days, it will miss some asynchronous http requests., swoole log does not see any exceptions.

later modify the configuration to

    "worker_num"               => 48,
    "daemonize"                => false,
    "backlog"                  => 128,
    "open_eof_check"           => true,
    "open_eof_split"           => true,
    "package_eof"              => "\r\n",
    "heartbeat_check_interval" => 20,
    "heartbeat_idle_time"      => 60,
    "max_request"              => 1000,
    "max_conn"                 => 100000,

Please tell us how we should configure it. Thank you
it is expected that there will be a stable tcp connection of 10w. How should the configuration be optimized?
it is estimated that the influence of max_request and the parameter async_reload will still leave out
how to set max_request


it is recommended that max_request be removed. The asynchronous restart configuration should be reload_async
