Why can't picker? be called up for the click event of an element in framework7?

in the 1.* version of framework7, a picker, such as

is declared.
var pickerCustomToolbar = myApp.picker({
    input: "-sharptimePicker2",

when we enter the page, we

pickerCustomToolbar .open()

will open this picker,

but the picker call to a click event bound to an element cannot be opened, such as

pickerCustomToolbar. Open () / / you can open

$("- sharpaa") .click (function () {

pickerCustomToolbar .open()//

Why is this?

have you met anyone?


I encounter a problem similar to yours. For example, you can use js on the main page, but on some other pages switched out from the main page, you cannot execute JS (steps _ steps)

in html, the outermost layer nests a div, and sets id=app
