Vuex shortcomings of one test question after another?

when I went to the interview recently, the interviewer asked me to explain the advantages and disadvantages of using vuex, but I really didn"t realize this shortcoming. Is there a Taoist friend who can help me solve the problem?


if you insist on shortcomings, I think it is that vuex does not have the means of persistent storage. Every refresh will reset all data

this kind of question generally has a general answer pattern.
what are the disadvantages of a good thing?
1. The cost is high, that is, it cannot afford to use it.
2. You don't have to use it. You can't kill a chicken with a knife.
3. It doesn't work well. In some cases, it can't solve
4. If you don't want to use it, there are other alternatives.

personal feeling is that the data cannot be persisted, and it can only be realized with computational attributes and localStorage, and there are small projects that are not necessary, but become more complex. Overqualified personnel use

although it is officially recommended to modify store data by triggering action, it can also be run directly by modifying state, so it is easy to get confused. It is as disgusting as modifying a global variable.
the above remarks are not correct when I do not have a detailed understanding of vuex.

if you don't plan to develop large single-page applications, using Vuex can be tedious and redundant. That's true-if your application is simple enough, you'd better not use Vuex. A simple store schema is enough for you.

pick the official website, to put it simply, a simple application does not need to be done with vuex, otherwise it will feel like killing a chicken with a knife. Tools are used to improve productivity, if not, it means that the tools are not used correctly.

  1. is not intuitive enough, it is contrary to conventional thinking, and it is very tedious to write
  2. .
  3. status is not easy to clean up, and it is easy to cause confusion. Cleaning requires extra work