On CSS styling-how to reuse some of the code

Development environment / tools:
vue.js Mini Program stylus

The effect of the

code is shown below, which changes the style when the button is clicked.


feels that the following code is too redundant, the contents of the two style classes are basically the same, but the text color and background color have changed. In general, how to write in this case to make the code more concise?

    float left
    width 80px
    height 40px
    line-height 40px
    margin-right 8px
    text-align center
    color -sharpaeaeae
    font-size 14px
    border-radius 10px
    background-color -sharpfff
    float left
    width 80px
    height 40px
    line-height 40px
    margin-right 8px
    text-align center
    color -sharpfff
    font-size 14px
    border-radius 10px
    background-color $themeColor

in this case, one css provides the normal attribute (in this case, the menuItem), one provides the personality attribute.) in this case, the actived), personality attribute takes effect on the basis of the normal attribute, overriding the attribute of the same name.
stylus is changed to look like this

