How to better explain distributed git centralization

problem description

how to interpret distributed git and centralized svn.

there is no doubt that the biggest difference between the two version control tools is the conceptual difference between distributed and centralized.
but in practice, using svn can also achieve a distributed effect, such as a central warehouse, A computer and B computer, I have complete code.


to achieve a distributed effect does not mean it is easy to use. I have used both of these. Personally, I feel that the most painful expense of svn is at work. Synchronize and submission must be connected to the network, whether it is a public network or an intranet. Anyway, you have a network, and then interact with a central warehouse. Git doesn't have the concept of a central repository, and everyone's computer can be regarded as a code repository, and it's okay for two people to submit directly to each other locally if they want to (of course, they don't usually do so).

personal humble opinion, the great god spurts lightly.

either stores the complete code or is distributed. Svn has only one warehouse, that is, on the server end, the one on your computer is not called the warehouse, but the copy from the warehouse. All operations have to be finished through server,server.
git is different. You can freely add remote
