How does rails go online?

I have looked up the relevant topics about the launch of rails on the website, and they are all blurred. Can you tell me the relevant settings of nginx?
is there any module that needs to be compiled in nginx?
I know that apache has mod_ruby and eruby, but I can"t connect to it.


app server, of Rails recommends puma or passenger, recommends unicorn and so on

use nginx as reverse proxy. Simple configuration for port mapping. To be more complicated, gzip and so on are also configured. It is best to learn more about how to configure nginx.

A more complicated launch method, app containerization, using docker

key package: mina/puma;

  1. deploy code to the server using mina;
  2. data is easy to configure, start puma;
  3. use nginx's upstream to listen to puma processes;


Unified reply: with rails 5.0, I have the environment, just enable it directly. I guess that puma is enough for 2000 people to use.
if you need it, I
I don't know who fucking ignored my answer, which annoys me. Anyway, codeshelper has never satisfied me
