Why must weex be based on Android SDK version 23

weex official document shows:
Android SDK version 23 (compileSdkVersion in build.gradle)
SDK build tools version 23.0.1 (buildToolsVersion in build.gradle)

1. Why must be based on Android SDK version 23 and SDK build tools version 23.0.1
2.23 version is not particularly new, or relatively old, many new features can not be used
3. The com.android.tools.build:gradle plug-ins used by android studio based on 23 cannot be particularly new
4. As the next 23 gets older and older, will the authorities further update these configurations


23 is the minimum requirement, which may not be clearly described in the document.

only the android sdk version used when the version of weex was officially released, for example, there was no new version of Android at that time?
or the new version Android is out, but weex has not been changed, so the build version will not change
