The top-level service uses fegin to invoke the interface downloaded by the underlying service (which is quite time-consuming), resulting in a Hystrix timeout circuit breaker

problem description

the top-level service uses fegin to invoke the interface downloaded by the underlying service (which is quite time-consuming), resulting in a Hystrix timeout circuit breaker.
netflix version number is 1.4.4

related codes

Top-level service interface

public class ResAirportPickController extends BaseController {
 * excel
 * @param condition 
 * @return success/false
    public Result download(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> condition) {
< hr >

feign interface

@FeignClient(name = ServiceNameConstant.RESOURCE_SERVICE, fallback =   ResAirportPickClientFallBack.class)
public interface ResAirportPickClient {

    Result download(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> condition);

basic service interface

public class HolResAirportPickController extends BaseController {

public Result download(@RequestParam Map<String, Object> condition, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {


this is the picture captured last time. It can"t be run without the company now.

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?

do you annotate the interface to generate a specific circuit breaker strategy to cancel the circuit breaker, or prolong the time to trigger the circuit breaker
