Elementui2.2.1 Select is still in the focus state after the option is selected. How can this focus state be removed?

when the official website of elementui is updated in 2.2.1, "the current Select is still in focus state after the option is selected", how to remove this? When I switch desktop pool 2fu-> desktop pool 1 in the page, I will change the page route this.$router.push ({path: this.$route.path, query: {desktop_pool_id: this.desktopPoolList [I] .id, category: this.desktopPoolList [I] .category}}), then the page begins to report an error. The 2.0.8 version is good, which is the reason for focus. Ask God for advice.


how did you finally solve this problem? I've been looking for a way all day, and I've upgraded the version, but I haven't solved it yet. I'm asking for advice. no, no, no.
