How to intercept routes (do login authentication) in dva.js? there is no beforeEach hook function similar to that in vue.

now the company"s background system uses Ant Financial Services Group"s dva.js, react+redux-based encapsulation, using dva-cli, now to do login authentication. There seems to be no beforeEach hook function in
react-router-dom similar to the beforeEach hook function in vue, which can intercept routes.

import React from "react";
import { Router, Route, Switch, Redirect } from "dva/router";
import routerList from "./common/routerList";
import Error404 from "./routes/Error/Error404";

export default function RouterConfig({ history, app }) {
  const token = app._store.getState().user.token;
  console.log("router get token: ", token);
  const Routers =, index) => {
    return <Route key={index} path={item.path} exact render={(props) => {
      if (item.noAuth) { // 
        return <item.component {...props} />;
      } else {
        if (token) {
          return <item.component {...props} />;
        } else {
          return <Redirect to={{
            pathname: "/login",
            state: {from: props.location} }} />
    }} />
  return (
    <Router history={history}>
        <Route path="/" exact render={() => (
          <Redirect to="/article/mylist" />
        )} />
        <Route component={Error404} />

this is my route interception, but it will only have an effect after entering the page for the first time or after the page is refreshed.
and then when you log in, you can"t jump to the home page using this.props.history.push () or this.props.history.replace ()

  type: "user/saveUserInfo",
  payload: { userId, nickName, headImageUrl, userName }
  type: "user/saveToken",
  payload: token
let RedirectUrl = this.props.location.state ? this.props.location.state.from.pathname : "/";

Don't use vue thinking to do react .
react is data-driven. Everything is data.
dva for route monitoring, you can put it in subscriptions of model .

give you a initial project of our project.

react-router4+ gives an example of login authentication in the official tutorial .

there is no hook function similar to vue because there is no concept of a static route configuration table. The main idea is to use the authentication component to wrap your page components that involve authentication information, and to implement the logic of login redirection / rendering of the wrapped component in the authentication component.
