How does Mini Program simulate clicks with js

there is now a navigator. I want to achieve 5 seconds later automatic js simulation click on this navigator, can be achieved?

<navigator url="pages/index/index" target="miniProgram" app-id="wxb7297d7a06acfeca" extra-data="which_app=1"></navigator>


I want to jump from one Mini Program to another Mini Program

some netizens said that "wx.navigateToMiniProgram" was very useful, but Wechat officially said that it would be abandoned in the future. Are there any other plans?

wx.navigateToMiniProgram is not available. See figure


Brother, you can use timer, and then use api such as wx.navigateto to jump


found this:

to help users gain an immersive Mini Program browsing experience, the "Open other Mini Program" component is now available, which users can click to jump to other Mini Program. From July 5, the newly released version of Mini Program will no longer support the "Open other Mini Program" interface that can be directly called without user click. The latest version of the developer tool has cancelled the support for this interface in advance. Please adapt as soon as possible.

it seems that the function that can jump without a user's click is gone.

make a full screen transparent jump button
