Vue proxy configuration and cross-domain


vue project has always been modified and modified on the existing basis. Now a new project has started, and it has been found that domain name proxy configuration and cross-domain problems have not been solved. Under the explanation of God, many online code methods have been tried or failed. The details are as follows:
1, the interface given by the backend is as follows:
2, local opening is localhost:8080 ;
3, change url: with ngix, and you can open the local area normally.
4, then configure index.js, under config to write under dev:
`proxyTable: {

        "/api": {
            target: "",
            changeOrigin: true,
            pathRewrite: {
                "^/api": ""

. After opening the page, the API reports an error:

I don"t know what"s wrong


'/ api' change to'/ v1 api', pathRewrite Delete
