Why is the width of the child container 100% larger than that of the parent container?


somehow, the width of this sub-container is more than the width of about padding (750 to 28.2). Isn"t the total width supposed to be 750px?



that's how it works by default, because the default box- sizing value is content-box,width, which sets content.
you just change width here to auto, or set box-sizing:border-box for child elements.
if you have any questions, go to find the information about the box model. Add

sub-elements to solve
width 100%. You set the width of the content


it seems that I don't know much about the box model

if you want to be full, you don't need a width at all. It's full by default.

if you must add a width, and the width includes padding, then you need to specify box-sizing:border-box;
