Does Mini Program appid have different forwarding functions?

Mini Program button does not pop up the sharing box
but use code snippets to forward quick template projects created by their own appid and pop up normally
Quick template project forwarding boxes that can be created using the appid of the company project do not pop up (but you can see the trigger message)

the forwarding function of the capsule pop-up in the upper right corner is normal. The only problem with
is that the appid using the company"s project cannot pop up the sharing box by clicking button, and everything else is normal.

// wxml:   
 <button open-type="share"></button>

// js:
  onShareAppMessage: function (ops) {
    console.log("ops", ops)
    if (ops.from == "button") {
    return {
      title: "",
      path: "/pages/index/index?id=123",
      success: function (res) {
        console.log(":" + JSON.stringify(res));
      fail: function (res) {
        console.log(":" + JSON.stringify(res));