Why does v-html not work on vue textarea?

< textarea vmurhtml = "job.workDutyToString" >
< / textarea >
this is my project code. V-html parses the fields returned by the background, but the actual effect is a tagged string. Just like this, div > < p class= > < span class= > [Senior php engineer responsibilities] < span class= >
excuse me why? What do I need to do about it?



take a closer look at api
what changes is innerHTML attribute
if you want to manipulate the string, However, it is not recommended to write the render function

v-html. It's just that when you get the string containing html in the backend, you can follow html. Like you,

< p class= > < span class= > [Senior php engineer Job responsibilities] < span class= > when you use v-html to get the display from the backend, when it is displayed in the browser, it only displays "[Senior php engineer Job responsibilities]", and the rest will be executed as html tags, if you do not use vMuhtml, The string you get from the backend is displayed in the browser as "
< p class= > < span class= > [Senior php engineer Job responsibilities] < span class= >". If you want the Filter tag, you can make the backend Filter, or you can write a regular Filter.

maybe the content of the rich text editor that you store directly in the background
go online and find a regular html tag and press it
