Is there any gradle life cycle after the creation of the project object and before the dependencies?

I want to use Extension to modify project dependencies in Plugin .
now encounters such a problem.

if I get extension directly in my apply method, then extension of project has not been assigned.

but if I get extension in project-sharpafterEvaluate {} and then modify dependencies , I will report an error

Cannot change dependencies of configuration

so I would like to ask, what life cycle is after the project object is created ( extension is assigned) but dependencies is not finished?

Update questions

class PluginDemo implements Plugin<Project> {
    void apply(Project target) {

        target.rootProject.subprojects.each {
            if ("m_")) {
                target.dependencies.implementation it
            } else {

    void printExtension(Project target) {
        target.extensions.create("myextension", MyExtension)

I want to use an external switch to make : app rely on other subProject , so I want to control it through extension .


dependencies configuration itself has exclude and transitive configurations. Isn't that enough for you? ide/managing_transitive_dependencies.html" rel=" nofollow noreferrer ">

do not understand your specific needs, can you post build.gradle DSL configuration to help analysis?

< hr >

EDIT: if you expect to judge by switch, you can actually borrow groovy DSL directly:

dependendies {
    if ("${myProp}" == 'true') {
         compile ':subproj'

this myProp can be configured in the file, or it can be passed in through the command line system properties when the command line is executed:

./gradlew -DmyProp=true build

if your switch condition is get through other channels, then you need to write the corresponding get mode in groovy DSL
