Bootstrap table column editor and table conflict

1. The list can edit one of the tables and a row of tables, click on a table and click on a column of pop-up window frames.
2 Code
/ / bootstrap table initialize
function init () {

    url: relPath() + "/lianxi/list",
    height: getHeight(),
    striped: true,
    search: false,
    showRefresh: true,
    showColumns: true,
    minimumCountColumns: 2,
    clickToSelect: true,
    detailView: true,
    detailFormatter: "detailFormatter",
    pagination: true,
    paginationLoop: false,
    sidePagination: "server",
    silentSort: false,
    smartDisplay: false,
    escape: true,
    searchOnEnterKey: true,
    showExport: true,
    showFullscreen: true,
    trimOnSearch: true,
    exportOptions: {
        fileName: "", //
        worksheetName: "haha", //
    exportDataType: "all",
    exportTypes: ["csv", "txt", "sql", "doc", "excel", "xlsx", "pdf"],  //*/
    toolbar: "-sharptoolbar",
    queryParams: function queryParams(params) {  //
        return {
            name: $("-sharpnames").val(), // 
            remake: $("-sharpremakes").val(), // 
            order: params.order,//
            sort: params.sort//
    idField: "id",
    maintainSelected: true,
    toolbar: "-sharptoolbar",
    columns: [
        {field: "ck", checkbox: true},
        {field: "id", title: "", sortable: true, align: "center"},
            field: "name", title: "",
            editable: {
                type: "text",
                title: "",
                validate: function (value) {
                    if (!value) return "";
        {field: "remake", title: ""},
            field: "ctime", title: "", sortable: true,
            formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                return changeDateFormat(value)
            field: "imgurl", title: "logo",
            formatter: function (value, row, index) {
                var s;
                if (row.imgurl != null) {
                    var url = row.imgurl;
                    s = "<a class = "view"  href="javascript:void(0)"><img style="width:300;height:40px;"  src="" + url + "" /></a>";
                return s;
            events: "operateEvents"
            field: "action",
            title: "",
            align: "center",
            formatter: "actionFormatter",
            events: "actionEvents",
            clickToSelect: false

    onEditableSave: function (field, row, oldValue, $el) {
            type: "post",
            url: relPath() + "/lianxi/update/" +,
            data: row,
            dataType: "JSON",
            success: function (result) {
                if (result.code == 0) {
            error: function () {
        return false;

    onDblClickRow: function (rows) {
        // var row = $table.bootstrapTable("getSelections")
        updateDialog = $.dialog({
            animationSpeed: 300,
            title: "",
            content: "url:"+relPath()+"/lianxi/update/",
            onContentReady: function () {



onDblClickRow: function (row, $element)
determine that $element is not a system name replay box

Thank you. Use field to get the field to determine that it has been ok. OnDblClickRow: function (rows,$element,field).
