When the backend returns the front end, there is garbled code in Chinese.

the Chinese garbled code appears in the front end when the backend returns, and the garbled code displayed in the network block. The browser opens normally and the console output is normal





ask for advice. Is this a question of front-end or background? I use axios.post
under the framework of vue to ask for advice. How to solve


look at the description is chrome devtool's problem

so no problem brother

chrome console network preview is just a preview function, it will automatically translate the text into HTML documents and show it. When your text is not set up for charset=utf-8 encoding format, preview will encounter Chinese and cannot use the correct encoding format to parse, you will encounter this situation.
as long as your browser is open and the console output is normal, don't worry about it. Preview is only for the preview function of response, and it doesn't matter.
