How to use rem in vue Mobile projects

in the previous project, dynamically control the font size of html, let the page elements adapt to different models of the screen,
ask: how to use vue to achieve this function, or what other good plug-ins are also looking forward to your recommendation
online, etc.

find the index.html file

    ;(function(designWidth, maxWidth) {
      var doc = document,
        win = window,
        docEl = doc.documentElement,
        remStyle = document.createElement("style"),

      function refreshRem() {
        var width = docEl.getBoundingClientRect().width;
        maxWidth = maxWidth || 540;
        width>maxWidth && (width=maxWidth);
        var rem = width * 100 / designWidth;
        remStyle.innerHTML = 'html{font-size:' + rem + 'px;}';

      if (docEl.firstElementChild) {
      } else {
        var wrap = doc.createElement("div");
        wrap = null;
      // wiewport  refreshRem refreshRem 2;

      win.addEventListener("resize", function() {
        clearTimeout(tid); //
        tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 300);
      }, false);

      win.addEventListener("pageshow", function(e) {
        if (e.persisted) { // 
          tid = setTimeout(refreshRem, 300);
      }, false);

      if (doc.readyState === "complete") { = "16px";
      } else {
        doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(e) {
 = "16px";
        }, false);
    })(750, 750);

1rem = 100px

look at

this doesn't have much to do with vue .
1. If you are not using a third-party UI component library, you can directly introduce the js that you want to dynamically adjust font-size on the page. For example, Ali's flexble.js
2. If you use a third-party UI component library, such as vux , mint , you can search issue on the official github section for rem and there will be a corresponding solution.

an integrated scaffolding, is recommended. It integrates
1, Ali's flexble.js , dynamically calculates the font-size
2 of the root node according to the dpr of the device, and introduces postcss-pxtorem , which solves the problem of px automatic conversion rem


dynamically set the size of the base pixel in index.html in the root directory

    function setRootFontSize() {
      let width = document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth
      if (width < 414) { = width / 375 * 13 + 'px'
      }else { = '13px'
    window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
    }, false)

write a mixin function

in the scss file
@function px2rem($px) {
  @return $px / 13 + rem;

write the file into a public style file, or introduce
when using
and directly use px2rem (set the pixel size of the graph) to dynamically control
