Please lazyload jquery | as long as the scroll is at the bottom, you will always ask for it from the back end, but there is no data available.

  var WindowHeight = $(window).height();

  if($(window).scrollTop() >= $(document).height() - WindowHeight){

    $("-sharploader").html("<img src="../images/loading_v2.svg">");

    var LastDiv = $(".data-display:last");
    var LastId  = $(".data-display:last").attr("id");
    var ValueToPass = "lastid="+LastId;

      type: "POST",
      data: ValueToPass,
      cache: false,
      success: function(data){
        if(data != ""){
  return false;

what a strange image. I don"t know where I wrote
. As long as the scroll goes to the bottom, I won"t keep asking for it, but obviously I don"t have any data, so I have to go up scroll a little bit before I can see that there are no more .
otherwise, he will keep showing "" loading stories, and then disappear, then show loading symptoms, disappear again, and repeat them all the time


this code itself does not judge that loading will no longer be triggered when there is no data. As mentioned above, you can add a flag to determine.
for example, add:

to the top of scroll.
if($('-sharploader').hasClass('nomore')) {
    return false;

when requesting numerous data:


itself needs to add another flag, whether it is loading.

. It may be that scroll is triggered multiple times, resulting in multiple requests. Try to set a flag bit. Check the flag bit before each request to determine whether you are requesting it or not. Add the throttle function to scroll.
