How to pass hook functions like this.handleClickRow in redux

this.handleClickRow = this.handleClickRow.bind(this)

I can pass it this way without redux

    basicInformationData = { basicInformationData }
    submitTaskId = { this.submitTaskId }
    getTaskId = { _self.state.selectTaskId }
    isAdmin = { _self.state.isAdmin }

now I use redux to wrap the component, and I don"t know how to pass



import React from "react";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import BasicInformation from "../components/index";
import { toggleToChange } from "../../../../../actions";
import { DifferentLabelsFilters } from "../../../../../actions";

const getDifferent = (todos, filter) => {

    let return_todos = "";

    switch (filter) {
        case DifferentLabelsFilters.SHOW_ALL:
            return_todos = todos;
            console.log("BasicInformationContainer return_to_dos = ", return_todos)
            return return_todos;
        case DifferentLabelsFilters.SHOW_COMPLETED:

            return todos.filter(t => t.completed)
        case DifferentLabelsFilters.SHOW_ACTIVE:
            return todos.filter(t => !t.completed)
            throw new Error("Unknown filter: " + filter)

const showAdmin = (showAdmin) => {
    return showAdmin;

const mapStateToProps = state => {

    console.log("BasicInformationContainer state = ")
    return {
        showDifferent: getDifferent(state.showDifferent, state.differentLabelsFilter),

const mapDispatchToPropsReview = (dispatch) => {

    const _self = this;

    //console.log("BasicInformationContainer mapDispatchToPropsReview ===", _self.props)

    //console.log("******************* dispatch ===", dispatch)

    return {
        toggleToChangeBasicInformation: id => dispatch(toggleToChange(id)),
        toggleToSubmitTaskId: id => _self.props.submitTaskId(id),

export default connect(

the same method, there is no difference.

redux only manages state and has no special requirements for components.
