About the setting of jsplumb Endpoint

problem description

how do I get the endpoint, at both ends of the connection separately and hide the endpoints when I click on a connection?

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

there is no way of thinking, I don"t know which interface to use, and the document is a little hard to read.


Click event: instance.bind ("click", function (connection, originalEvent) {

    // do something 
     var source = connection.getUuids()[0];  //    uuid
     var target = connection.getUuids()[1]; //    uuid
     //   uuid (jsplumb)
     var sourcePoint =  instance.getEndpoint(source);
     var targetPoint =  iinstance.getEndpoint(target);
     //    instance.hide(domId,true); 
     //  class
     // jqhide

