How does vue use its own transition to achieve this scrolling effect?

you need to achieve this upward seamless scrolling band pause in vue, where there are multiple li scrolls in a container, one li at a time, scrolling one at a time, and then stopping and scrolling again. I wrote that there is a problem, and every time I scroll, it seems to have been pulled down. It may be because I assigned the animate to false.
I tried to use the transition encapsulated in vue, but I didn"t. The position of the upper right corner of this effect is needed to get

      <ul class="carInfo" :class="{anim:animate==true}">
         <li v-for="item in carDynamic">
              <div class="carNo">
                : {{item.licenseNo}}
              <div class="carInfo-detail">
                <p class="p1">

<p class="p2"> <span></span> <span>:<em>{{item.time}}</em></span>

</div> </li> </ul> </div> mounted() { this.init(); setInterval(this.scroll,1000);

methods: {

init() {
  map = new AMap.Map("container", {
     center: [116.397428, 39.90923],
     resizeEnable: true,
     zoom: 10

.anim {

transition: all 2s;
margin-top: -200px;


problem description

the environmental background of the problems and what methods you have tried

related codes

/ / Please paste the code text below (do not replace the code with pictures)

what result do you expect? What is the error message actually seen?


reference website: racing lantern effect

slightly change the code to achieve the effect you want:


Don't use transition, will complicate the code. It's easiest to use css3's transition directly.

as long as you calculate the height and the distance you need to scroll up, it's easy
