Beego cannot find templatefile

just getting started, I selected a project from the official case and followed the documentation step by step, but kept prompting

can"t find templatefile in the path:views/admin/login.tpl

I am using beego version 1.10.1


ask for advice.
I guess it"s the routing problem.


do not double-click your binaries, run your binaries
. / main

the information you give is not enough to determine the reason, according to my experience:
1. Is it true that the path is not written correctly? TplName should be user/user.html

beego controller is output template by default, if you do not provide the corresponding template will report this error.
here should be that the login method in the admin controller does not provide a corresponding template.

found the answer to the question

IDE tool compiles binaries to a temporary directory by default, such as when Win IDEA compiles:
"C:Program Files (x86) JetBrainsIntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2016.3.3binrunnerw.exe" C:/Gobingo.exe build-o "C:UsersyouzhengchuanAppDataLocalTempBuild main.go and rungo" C:/Users/youzhengchuan/Documents/myGolangProject/src/myWebProject2/main.go

then, of course, the binary cannot find the index.tpl of the relative path. Modify the settings of the IDE tool. Select the compilation output directory as $GOPATH/src/$UBEEGOPROJECT/.

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